Fake handbags are getting more and more popular by the year because let's face it, who doesn't love a bargain? Some of the counterfeit bags are becoming so good that sometimes even fashion professionals have a hard time telling the difference. Aside from the fact that counterfeiters steal from the hard work of fashion professionals worldwide, the main problem lies in the fact that fake handbags are illegal so supporting such businesses opens up a pandora's box of consequences.
Replicas Are Reprehensible
According to the IACC (International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition), 18% of the counterfeit products seized by United States customs were fashion-related items. Knockoff handbags, clothes, shoes, and other accessories are becoming more than just a thorn in the side of the fashion industry. The IACC has also stated that fake products rob the U.S. of more than $200 million a year because counterfeiters don't pay taxes or licensing fees on their products. This means that the innocent tax payer is left to cover this loss by paying even more taxes than usual.
Keep in mind that when you buy knock-offs you are inadvertently supporting terrorists, gangs, and organized crime syndicates because these are the people usually found at the forefront of the black market. If that isn't enough, counterfeit products are also dangerous to your health because knockoffs are produced and sold with absolutely no regulation.
For example, a pair of fake sunglasses can claim to provide full UV protection but with nobody there to make sure, it can be a complete lie. Knockoff sunglasses have also been known to have weak, shatter-prone lenses which can really hurt you if you're not careful.
We can all agree that high fashion is very expensive and most of us cannot afford to constantly spend thousands of dollars on handbags and other fashion staples. The best solution is to become a sale junkie and always be on the lookout for authentic goods which have been reduced in price. Just one real Louis Vuitton handbag is much better than a closet full of fakes.
By Acline Wyle
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